
Christie’s Delusions of Grandeur Crushed by Trump’s GOP Dominance

In a recent interview with The Hill, Steven Cheung, who works for Trump's campaign, ripped into Chris Christie, saying that he lives in a "perpetual fantasy land" with his hopes of becoming president. Chris, are we thinking big? But let's be honest, Christie's grandiose ideas are just as likely to be true as his promises that he's going to lose weight.

People, Cheung didn't hold back. He said that everything Christie says is a lie dressed in insane rage that makes no sense. Ouch. But, hey, Christie might need some professional help to figure out what he wants to do with his fairy tale ideas. I've heard that leaders who think they are better than they are can find great doctors.

Christie's showing on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" was what made Trump say bad things about Christie's campaign. During the show, Christie made it sound like Trump should think about taking a deal to stay out of jail. I think that's a pretty big stretch, don't you? It's the same as saying the Loch Ness monster might think about joining a race.

But what's really funny about this is that Christie says Trump is scared of going to jail. Christie says that every night when Trump goes to sleep, he thinks about the sound of a jail cell door closing behind him. Chris, are you crazy? To see into Trump's dreams, you must have a magic crystal ball. It's clear that Christie is grabbing at anything he can to try to stay relevant in the Trump age.

Now, my friends, let's talk about the polls. Even though Christie is trying to make a big splash, there is only one person running for the GOP ticket. Trump continues to be far ahead of the other candidates, leaving Christie in the dust with only 2% of the vote. It would be like David going up against Goliath with no gun and nothing but empty words.

Oh, but let's not forget Christie and Trump's past together. Back in the day, he backed him and even led the team that helped him move into the White House. But, man, how the powerful have fallen! Christie has become a loud critic, saying that Trump's behavior in the case of the secret papers is "reprehensible." Chris, I'm sorry, but the way you change your mind is as clear as a thin layer of ice on a pond.

And now, folks, things get even funnier. Christie has said that he won't vote for Trump or Biden because they aren't qualified to be president and aren't good at their jobs. Well, coming from someone who couldn't even get a pizza delivery on time during Hurricane Sandy, isn't that a bit rich? It looks like Christie wants to act like a good person while standing on his lies.

Now, there are questions about whether Christie can take part in the first Republican debate for the presidency. See, candidates are urged to say they will back whoever wins. But Christie, no, he won't do that. He acts like a rebel and makes people wonder if he belongs on that stage. He could be privately trying out for a part in a political soap series.

So, my friends, while Chris Christie lives in a world of his own making, Trump continues to run the Republican Party. Only one person seems likely to win the race. And let's be honest: Christie isn't even a blip on the radar when it comes to the Republican races. He's just a footnote in the Trump age.

Written by Staff Reports

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