
Christmas Game Ruined by Prime’s Crude Humor Fumble

Alright, kids, grab your footballs and listen up for a hot minute because there’s some Christmas insanity to talk about. It’s that most wonderful time of the year — or at least it was, until Amazon Prime decided to serve up a heaping helping of vulgar garbage alongside a side of NFL football.

The Los Angeles Rams trounced the New Orleans Saints 30-22 in what should have been the highlight of the Christmas weekend. But instead, the only thing anyone was talking about was the postgame show on Amazon Prime, where host Charissa Thompson decided to crack a joke about her own breasts. Yes, you heard that right. Charissa Thompson made an inappropriate, cringe-worthy joke about her own body on a nationally televised broadcast. Can you believe the nerve of this woman?

And if that wasn’t enough, the joke was a throwback to a movie from, get this, 25 years ago! Who even remembers “Meet the Parents” these days? Well, apparently Thompson and her crew do, because they decided it was perfectly fine to drag out a stale, forgettable gag and slap it onto an unsuspecting audience.

But here’s where it gets extra awkward: Thompson’s co-host, former NFL player Ryan Fitzpatrick, felt the need to explain the joke by referencing milking cows. Yeah, you read that correctly. In case you somehow missed the thumb-dulling comedy gold that was “Meet the Parents,” there’s a scene in which a character jokes about milking cats. I know, I know — it’s about as funny as watching paint dry.

Oh, and let’s not forget former Seattle Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman, who didn’t seem too amused by the whole ordeal. His face told the story and fans on social media were quick to question the appropriateness of Thompson’s joke.

And speaking of inappropriate, let’s talk about how this whole debacle unfolded during a Thursday night football game, a time when families are usually gathered around the TV. But thanks to Amazon Prime, parents found themselves in the unenviable position of having to explain this kind of crass humor and outdated movie references to their kids. I mean, seriously, we’ve got “End Racism” and “It Takes All of Us” plastered on the end zones, and now we’ve got to add “Please, no crude jokes about milking people” to the list? It’s just tacky, folks, plain and simple.

And what’s next, I ask you? Where do we draw the line? We’re talking about Christmas here, the birth of Jesus Christ, and the best we can manage is a host making tasteless jokes about herself? It’s a sad state of affairs when the birth of our Savior gets overshadowed by this kind of nonsense.

But never fear, dear readers. There’s hope on the horizon. You can stand up for decency by supporting truth and breaking down these false narratives. So let’s stick together, reclaim some good ol’ values, and bring some Christmas cheer back to our TV screens. It’s up to you to make a difference, to be the change, and to put an end to this kind of drivel once and for all.

Alright, I’m out. Be good, be merry, and remember to milk your cows responsibly!

Written by Staff Reports

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