
CIA Pays Analysts to Dismiss COVID-19 Lab Leak Theory!

In a stunning turn of events, the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic and Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence have revealed shocking testimony that exposes a disturbing cover-up within the CIA. According to this bombshell testimony, senior CIA officials bribed analysts to dismiss the Wuhan lab leak theory as the origin of COVID-19, despite substantial evidence supporting this possibility.

The whistleblower, a current senior-level CIA officer, provided crucial information to the committees, shedding light on a COVID Discovery Team that was tasked with investigating the origins of the virus. Astonishingly, the majority of the team members concluded that the lab leak theory was the most likely explanation, based on intelligence and scientific analysis. However, the most senior member of the team stubbornly clung to the zoonosis theory, which suggests the virus emerged naturally.

Even more concerning is the whistleblower’s claim that the six members who initially supported the lab leak theory were coerced into changing their position through significant financial incentives. This raises serious questions about the integrity and independence of the CIA’s analysis and decision-making processes.

These revelations come at a critical time when calls for a thorough investigation into the origins of COVID-19 are growing louder. Prominent figures, including former CIA director Mike Pompeo and Senator Tom Cotton, have been advocating for a closer examination of the lab leak theory since the early stages of the pandemic. It is alarming to think that officials within the CIA may have deliberately hindered the pursuit of truth and suppressed crucial information.

Furthermore, Facebook’s role in censoring news stories related to the lab leak theory has come under scrutiny. Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has been embroiled in controversy over his involvement in gain-of-function research, allegedly colluded with big tech platforms to suppress information about the lab leak theory. While Facebook has recently reversed some of its censorship decisions, the damage has already been done.

It is crucial for the truth to prevail and for a comprehensive investigation into the origins of COVID-19 to take place. This is not a conspiracy theory, but a valid and potentially game-changing possibility that deserves serious consideration. The American people deserve transparency and accountability, especially from our intelligence agencies, which are entrusted with protecting our national security.

Written by Staff Reports

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