
Clapper Spouts Wild Theory: Trump to Jail Opponents if Re-Elected!

The former Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, is working with General Mark Milley to make people worried about what Donald Trump might do if he wins another term as president. According to Clapper and Milley, Trump might use his power to jail people he sees as enemies. This is making rumors go around.

General Milley recently said that he thought Trump might jail his opponents if he won a second term. During a CNN interview, Clapper was asked about Milley's comments. In fact, Milley said he thought he might be at the top of that list.

Clapper said in response to the story, "I think there are probably a lot of people who could be on such a list." And once more, that's wrong." He went on to say, "I think General Milley meant that he didn't think President Trump would be re-elected." I'm not sure about that. Yes, that is a real worry for many of us.

There are worries about these things because of a story in The Atlantic in which General Milley said that Trump might do these things if he were elected again. According to this in-depth article, Milley told close friends and family that he thinks Trump will start jailing people, and Milley could be at the top of that list.

Mark Esper, who used to be the Defense Secretary, agrees with these worries. He says that there is a real chance that Trump would punish people like General Mark Milley if he became president again. Esper thinks it's likely that a new Trump supporter in the Oval Office will suggest going after Milley.

As the country gets ready for another election, these worries expressed by CNN hosts, whether they are true or not, add to the story that has always been told about Trump. We won't know for sure if these statements come true or not, but they are interesting to think about.

Written by Staff Reports

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