
CNN Analyst Loses It Over Christie’s 44-Point Favorability Dip!

CNN Analyst Blasts Chris Christie’s Low Favorability Ratings among GOP Voters

In an entertaining exchange on “CNN Newsroom with Jim Acosta,” CNN’s senior data reporter, Harry Enten, discussed the unfavorable ratings of Republican presidential candidates critical of former President Donald J. Trump. Enten referred to a recent poll conducted by Quinnipiac University, which included 1,818 adults, including 681 Republican and Republican-leaning voters. According to Enten, GOP candidates like Chris Christie, Asa Hutchinson, Mike Pence, and Will Hurd have all been on the receiving end of punishment from Republican voters.

Enten specifically highlighted Chris Christie’s abysmal net favorability rating of minus 44 points among Republican voters. He humorously exclaimed, “Goodness, gracious!” and emphasized that this was the worst net favorability rating for a presidential candidate within their own party since 1980. Enten further pointed out the negative favorability ratings of Asa Hutchinson (minus 18 points) and Mike Pence (minus 17 points).

The CNN analyst made it clear that Republican voters are critical of candidates who are critical of Donald Trump. He emphasized that this sentiment was particularly pronounced in the case of Chris Christie, whose net favorability rating of minus 44 points revealed that Republican voters just don’t want to hear it when it comes to criticizing Trump.

Enten also discussed biotech investor Vivek Ramaswamy and South Carolina Senator Tim Scott, who have seen positive net favorability ratings among GOP voters by not going negative on Trump. CNN displayed a graphic showing Scott’s net favorability at 40 points and Ramaswamy’s at 30 points. Enten explained that Ramaswamy’s positive rating was not surprising, considering his unwavering support for Trump, while Scott’s middle-ground approach seemed to be working.

Enten couldn’t resist taking a dig at former Texas Congressman Will Hurd, who has been critical of Trump, as he pointed out Hurd’s net favorability rating of minus seven points. Hurd, in a separate interview with Jim Acosta, stood by his criticism of Trump, stating that he’s running for president to move beyond Trump. Despite the low favorability ratings, Hurd’s campaign has not gained much traction, which he attributes to being a startup candidate faced with strong competition.

From this CNN segment, it is evident that being critical of Donald Trump does not fare well with Republican voters, as shown by the negative favorability ratings of Christie, Hutchinson, Pence, and Hurd. This highlights the enduring support for Trump within the Republican Party and the challenges faced by those who try to distance themselves from the former president.

Written by Staff Reports

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