
CNN Cries for McConnell, Glosses Over Biden’s Health Woes!

In a recent segment on CNN’s News Central, host John Berman and congressional correspondent Manu Raju spent an excessive amount of time discussing Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s age and health issues. They pointed to McConnell’s past falls and suggested that his complications may render him incapable of performing his senatorial duties. However, there is one glaring issue with their analysis – they completely ignore the same issues with 80-year-old Joe Biden.

Biden has fallen multiple times, tripped while climbing stairs, mumbled incoherently, and even started wandering aimlessly on stage during public appearances. Yet, CNN, the “Most Trusted Name in News,” has conveniently chosen to ignore all of this. It’s truly shocking, I know.

The segment on CNN began with Berman dramatically announcing that McConnell had fallen multiple times this year, which they somehow just learned about. Raju chimed in with his own commentary, emphasizing McConnell’s age, past health issues, and difficulties walking. They went on to recount McConnell’s falls, including one incident that resulted in a concussion and broken ribs.

But here’s the kicker – Raju conveniently failed to mention any of Biden’s mishaps. It’s as if they don’t exist in the media’s eyes. Biden’s fall while boarding Air Force One earlier this month? No mention. His numerous stumbling incidents? Swept under the rug.

To add insult to injury, Raju even speculated that McConnell’s recent freeze during a press conference could be connected to his previous fall. Raju desperately tried to get answers from McConnell about the incident, but the senator simply stated that he was fine.

The hypocrisy here is breathtaking. McConnell is 81 years old, making him a year older than Biden, who seems to have an ever-growing list of health-related mishaps. Yet, the media only chooses to scrutinize one of them.

This is just another example of the media’s inability to be intellectually honest and aware of their own biases. They have become a tragic comedy of their own making. But hey, what do you expect when Joe Biden is consistently unavailable for comment?

Written by Staff Reports

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