
CNN Fact-Checker Caught Cozying Up to Anti-Gun Group: Real Journalism or Dem Propaganda?

CNN’s “fact-checking” division has been called out by conservatives for its partisan left-leaning bias, with the likes of Daniel Dale promulgating propaganda under the guise of fact checking. Dale’s position is supposed to secure integrity and accountability within CNN’s broadcast journalism; however, it seems his loyalties lean towards Democrats.

A recent tweet of his reveals he contacted a ‘partisan gun control’ organization to help him fact check Delaware’s gun laws, displaying a bias in his journalistic practices. While fact-checkers may request opinions from organizations related to their subject or topic to establish views, Dale seemed to display ‘confidence’ in the biased group’s knowledge base, which exhibits left-leaning bias.

Dale has not fact-checked current president Joe Biden in almost 90 days, yet he has fact-checked random Twitter users like Stephen Miller (@redsteeze), which has led some to speculate that Dale is more focused on defending the President of the United States’ son with the upcoming plea deal.

Sister Toldjah, a former liberal, who has been writing about media bias, social issues, and the culture wars since 2003 said that while it’s common to seek comments from biased sources, it’s not acceptable to trust those sources as an unassailable source of the truth. Dale’s partisan behavior, as demonstrated in his tweets, negates the role of fact-checking, which is to check facts, irrespective of the political persuasion surrounding an article.

Written by Staff Reports

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