
CNN Forced to Report Massive Turnout at Trump Bronx Rally Despite Reluctance

CNN had to report on the massive Trump rally that took place in the South Bronx, even though it seemed to irk them a bit. The event drew thousands of enthusiastic supporters, vastly surpassing the anticipated 3,500 attendees. The Trump campaign estimated the crowd to be around 25,000, a stark number that even CNN had to address reluctantly.

It’s no secret that the mainstream media outlets like CNN tend to downplay or ignore events that portray President Trump in a positive light. Their coverage of the rally seemed begrudging at best, with the reporter noting the significant turnout in one of the bluest counties in the nation. However, the truth speaks for itself, and it’s clear that Trump maintains a strong and dedicated following, even in traditionally Democrat-dominated areas.

Despite attempts by some Democrats to discredit the event by falsely claiming attendees were bused in, the reality is that many of the rally-goers were local residents of the Bronx. This desperate narrative pushed by Democrats only serves to highlight their disconnect with everyday Americans and their fear of Trump’s enduring popularity.

The enthusiasm and energy displayed at the rally are undeniable, showcasing the continued appeal of President Trump’s message to a diverse range of supporters. In contrast, Joe Biden struggles to generate the same level of excitement and engagement, particularly in strongly Democratic regions like the Bronx.

It’s crucial to recognize and celebrate the democratic right to gather and show support for political figures, regardless of party affiliation. President Trump’s ability to draw such large and passionate crowds demonstrates his ongoing relevance and influence in American politics, much to the chagrin of outlets like CNN.

Written by Staff Reports

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