
CNN Hires Disinfo Queen: Fake News Promotes Its Own!

The biased liberal media machine that is CNN struck again, folks, and this time it’s promoting none other than Natasha Bertrand, a former reporter at Politico known for peddling lies and conspiracy theories. And where do you go after spreading false narratives? Straight to the top, of course. CNN announced that Bertrand, notorious for her stances on the debunked Trump-Russia collusion hoax and the fictional claim that Hunter Biden’s laptop was Kremlin disinfo, was being promoted to correspondent.

In her new role, CNN stated that Bertrand will be covering national security and politics from their Washington, DC headquarters. This promotion is about as surprising as hearing that pigs can’t fly. But hold on to your seats because it gets even better. If you think CNN’s hiring choices couldn’t get any worse, wait till you hear about the next potential expert joining their team.

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. What did Bertrand do to deserve this promotion, you might ask? Well, let’s take a trip down memory lane and revisit her stellar track record. In 2020, The Washington Post’s media critic, Erik Wemple, chronicled Bertrand’s history of being spectacularly wrong about the Steele dossier and its connection to Trump. Wemple’s series revealed Bertrand’s persistent and baseless promotion of the dossier, which turned out to be nothing more than a collection of lies and fabrications.

But it doesn’t stop there. Bertrand also championed the idea that Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation, despite evidence to the contrary. She echoed the sentiments of intelligence insiders who alleged that the laptop’s release just before the election “had all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.” The truth? The laptop was not Kremlin disinfo but a result of Hunter Biden’s own troubles and opened up a can of worms for the Biden administration.

These egregious missteps did not deter CNN from rewarding Bertrand with a promotion. Instead, they celebrated her “robust coverage” and vital role in covering national security, completely ignoring her track record of spreading baseless claims and conspiracy theories. This promotion was met with outrage from many, including respected journalists and media personalities who called out CNN for rewarding Bertrand’s history of spreading lies and misinformation.

Sadly, this isn’t surprising. CNN continues to promote biased reporting and reward those who perpetuate false narratives. With the 2024 election on the horizon, it’s clear that CNN’s coverage will be mired in the same bias and dishonesty that has come to define the network. In the words of Deputy Managing Editor Josh Manning, “Without you, it’s over.” It’s up to us to stand up against the biased liberal media and support honest and fair reporting. The stakes are too high to let the same old lies go unchallenged.

Written by Staff Reports

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