
CNN in Chaos as Dean Phillips Threatens Biden’s Reign

CNN is in a panic over the entry of Dean Phillips, a challenger to Joe Biden in the 2024 presidential primary. While it may seem obvious that Phillips has no shot, CNN is freaking out anyway. It all started with the typical accusation of racism. Phillips didn’t kowtow to the various Democrat identity groups, so he must not be qualified for office. How dare he not seek the approval of Al Sharpton or Steven Horsford? But let’s be real, those two would never give their approval anyway because protecting Biden is their top priority. Someone should remind CNN that in America, you don’t need the permission of special interest groups to run for president. But I guess they missed that memo.

CNN’s Kasie Hunt decided to pile on, claiming that Phillips is delusional and will “irreparably damage” Biden in crucial swing states. Please. Phillips won’t have enough money to run many ads, and even if he did, it’s not his fault that Biden is deeply unpopular. The president has managed to do that all on his own. Voters are focused on their bank accounts and the skyrocketing prices, and they know the economy is a disaster. They can also see the world melting down under Biden’s watch. Democrats are desperate for an uncontested primary because they have no confidence in the president. If they believed Biden could win voters over, they wouldn’t care about challengers. But let’s face it, if they’re worried about some random congressman like Dean Phillips hurting Biden’s chances, then Biden was already doomed to lose.

Phillips himself pointed out in his CNN interview that it wasn’t Jimmy Carter’s primary challenger that cost him the election against Ronald Reagan. It was Carter’s own incompetence as president. So if CNN is really worried about Biden losing, they should be looking at the White House, not scapegoating Phillips, who is essentially irrelevant in this race. But I guess it’s easier to blame someone else than to admit that your chosen candidate is failing.

Written by Staff Reports

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