
CNN’s Jim Acosta Triggered By Bold Border Claim: Open for All?

In a sea of biased left-wing media, one journalist stands out for his lack of objectivity: Jim Acosta. Acosta, who was notorious for his childish behavior during the Trump administration, now has his own low-rated CNN show. But that hasn’t stopped him from trying to push his agenda.

During a recent interview with Republican Rep. Ralph Norman about the border crisis, Acosta had a complete meltdown. When Norman simply stated the fact that the border is currently open, Acosta couldn’t handle it. He demanded evidence and proof, as if the situation wasn’t obvious to anyone paying attention.

But let’s be clear, the border is undeniably open. In August, the United States saw a record number of crossings. Caravans of illegal immigrants are freely entering the country, while Border Patrol agents are being ordered to stand down. The Biden administration is even fighting against Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s attempts to secure the border with the National Guard.

Acosta’s attempt to downplay the crisis is laughable. Yes, there are some fences and border agents, but they are clearly not enough to stop the flood of illegal immigrants. This is not just a crisis, it’s pure anarchy. And the blame lies solely with President Biden.

No amount of semantic arguments from Acosta can change the reality of the situation. Americans are fed up with the lack of action and they will demand accountability in the next election. It’s time for a real leader who will secure our borders and protect our country.

Written by Staff Reports

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