
Comer Uncovers Hunter Biden’s Deep Freeze of Tax Evasion and Money Laundering!

In a recent interview on Fox News, Rep. James Comer (R-KY) expressed his thoughts on the charges against Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden. Comer argued that the tax evasion charge was just the “tip of the iceberg” when it came to Hunter Biden’s legal troubles. According to Comer, there were potentially more serious crimes involved, including money laundering and a violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act.

Comer didn’t hold back in his criticism of Hunter Biden, stating, “I mean, I’m not surprised. This is one of many crimes that Hunter Biden has committed.” He went on to suggest that the tax evasion charges were just the beginning. Comer and the Ways and Means Committee were looking into possible tax evasion on loans, which totaled over $13 million.

But it didn’t stop there. Comer pointed to suspicious activity reports that indicated possible money laundering by the Bidens. He stated, “We believe there’s significantly more tax liability than what he has. We also know that there’s money laundering, we get that from all the suspicious activity reports. It sure looks like money laundering to me.”

Comer also raised concerns about Hunter Biden’s violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act. He highlighted that Hunter Biden was not only lobbying for China, Russia, and other countries, but also lobbying his own father, making Joe Biden potentially liable under the act. Comer concluded, “We’ve got a lot of concerns here. This is the tip of the iceberg. I’m not surprised it happened before this week, but this case is far from being over.”

In light of these allegations, it appears Hunter Biden’s legal troubles are far from over. The question now is whether or not these charges will be thoroughly investigated and justice will be served. We believe in upholding the law and holding individuals accountable for their actions, regardless of their political affiliations. It’s time for transparency and justice to prevail.

Written by Staff Reports

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