
Corbyn Backs Hamas on Morgan’s Show, Downplays Terror Threat

Former British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn recently made an appearance on Piers Morgan’s show, and boy, was it a doozy! The topic at hand was none other than the Israel-Hamas conflict, and Piers wasted no time in getting down to the nitty-gritty. He asked Corbyn if he thinks it’s a good idea for Hamas to continue ruling over its subjects, and if they should be labeled as the terrorists they truly are. And let me tell you, folks, Corbyn’s response was nothing short of mind-boggling.

Now, let’s unpack this, shall we? Firstly, we have Corbyn, a notorious left-wing ideologue who seems to have a soft spot for all things anti-Western. It comes as no surprise then that he would defend Hamas, a widely recognized terrorist organization that has made it their mission to obliterate the State of Israel. But what truly boggles the conservative mind is Corbyn’s refusal to address Hamas as a terrorist group. It’s like denying that water is wet or that the sky is blue – it’s just plain ridiculous!

The fact that Corbyn, a man with a supposed commitment to justice and equality (or so he claims), can champion the cause of an organization that incessantly launches rockets into civilian areas and uses its own people as human shields is beyond comprehension. It’s like defending the bully on the playground who beats up innocent kids and steals their lunch money. And yet, Corbyn seems to be perfectly fine with standing up for these bullies on the international stage. It’s an affront to all those who value freedom and security.

But here’s the kicker, folks. Corbyn’s twisted views don’t just stop at defending Hamas. Oh no, he goes above and beyond by suggesting that they should stay in power. Can you believe that? Instead of advocating for a peaceful resolution to the conflict and supporting the legitimate government of Israel, Corbyn actually thinks it’s a swell idea for Hamas to continue oppressing their own people and promoting hatred and violence.

It’s clear that Corbyn’s moral compass is severely skewed, and his appearance on Piers Morgan’s show only brings this to light. While Morgan deserves some credit for asking tough questions, it’s disheartening to see Corbyn dance around the issue, refusing to condemn the terrorism and oppression perpetuated by Hamas. It’s yet another example of how the left often finds itself on the wrong side of history, prioritizing undemocratic regimes over freedom and democracy.

So, there you have it, folks. Jeremy Corbyn’s appearance on Piers Morgan’s show was a prime showcase of his misguided beliefs and his willingness to defend the indefensible. It’s up to us, as conservatives, to stand firm in our commitment to truth, justice, and the pursuit of freedom.

Written by Staff Reports

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