
COVID-19 Origins: Rogue Chinese Lab in CA Exposed

In a shocking turn of events, it has been revealed that a clandestine Chinese laboratory, operating without a license in California, is suspected of being behind the COVID-19 pandemic. Yes, you heard it right, folks, this is straight out of a science fiction movie! It turns out that these mad scientists were conducting dangerous gain-of-function experiments, playing with deadly pathogens, and even genetically modifying mice to catch and carry the virus. Talk about playing with fire!

But fear not, because our brave Congress is swooping in to save the day. Chairman Brad Wenstrup of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic has taken the helm and is demanding answers. He wants the FBI Director, Christopher Wray, and the Health and Human Services Secretary, Xavier Becerra, to spill the beans on what exactly went down in that shady Chinese lab on American soil.

And can we blame him? It’s downright alarming that an unlicensed lab, funded by a Chinese company, was running amok in our backyard conducting dangerous research involving COVID-19 and other deadly viruses. We need to get to the bottom of this, my friends, and hold those responsible accountable for putting American lives at risk.

Let’s not forget the incompetence of the federal government in all of this. According to Wenstrup’s letter, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) inspected the lab and found at least 20 potentially infectious agents stored under inadequate conditions. Chlamydia, E. coli, HIV, Malaria, and, of course, the notorious COVID-19 were just hanging out like partygoers on spring break. And to add insult to injury, the lab’s representative had the audacity to lie about the infectious agents stored there. Unbelievable!

Wenstrup is not taking this lightly. He’s demanding documentation, communication records, and even transcribed interviews with HHS employees who might have some juicy details about this whole debacle. We, the American people, deserve answers, and Wenstrup is here to make sure we get them.

It’s high time we acknowledge the dangers of playing God in the laboratory. This incident should serve as a wake-up call to prioritize the safety and security of our nation. We cannot let rogue labs conduct dangerous experiments without proper oversight and accountability.

Kudos to Chairman Wenstrup for taking a stand and shining a light on this potentially catastrophic situation. It’s time to get to the bottom of this conspiracy and ensure that our country is never again caught off guard by a deadly pandemic. Stay vigilant, America!

Written by Staff Reports

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