
Cruz Stumps Human Rights Chief: Can’t Admit Men, Women Different!

During a recent Senate hearing about the fairness of men participating in women’s sports, Human Rights Campaign President Kelley Robinson had a chance to answer a simple yes or no question from Senator Ted Cruz, “Do you believe there’s a difference between women and men?” But it appeared Robinson had trouble answering the question and instead chose to deflect and avoid a clear answer.

Despite the repeated question and Cruz’s attempts to clarify the matter, Robinson seemed incapable of providing an answer. This prompts the question, why is it so difficult for the head of the Human Rights Campaign, who claims to be a champion of gender equity, to acknowledge the fundamental biological differences between men and women?

It seems like a no-brainer that women’s sports should be reserved for women, and men’s sports should be restricted to men. Mr. Cruz also raised a series of excellent questions about why existing women’s sports leagues are needed if there is no such thing as biological sex. This clearly illustrates the left’s warped logic when it comes to issues of sex and gender.

Fortunately, Senator Cruz’s logical approach reveals the glaring flaws in the left’s argument for the trans movement, and exposes the fact that activists like Ms. Robinson are not interested in a healthy debate on the matter, but rather they want to silence any opposition to their radical agenda.

In conclusion, it’s essential to keep protecting women’s sports and make sure that they remain a safe space for women to compete and excel. We cannot allow radical leftist activists to deny the biological truth and destroy the progress women have made in sports for centuries.

Written by Staff Reports

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