
Cuomo Sues for Hidden Records: AG James Under Fire!

Oh boy, folks, we have some juicy drama unfolding in the Empire State! Former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is not going down without a fight. After resigning in disgrace following allegations of sexual harassment, Cuomo has decided to toss a lawsuit into the mix. He’s demanding that Democratic New York Attorney General Letitia James cough up all the records that led to his downfall. Talk about a Hail Mary pass!

According to the Associated Press, Cuomo’s legal team claims that these records are crucial for him to defend himself against not one, but two lawsuits. The former governor wants access to witness statements, interviews, and internal memos that were used to craft the damning report. You know, the one that accused him of sexually harassing eleven different women. Ouch.

Now, here’s where things get spicy. Cuomo’s legal eagles argue that Attorney General James has been playing keep-away with these records for years. They’ve tried every trick in the book to get their hands on them, but it’s been a never-ending game of ”Sorry, no can do.” It’s like trying to catch a greased pig at the county fair. Slippery.

Cuomo’s lawsuit doesn’t hold back either. In a 26-page document, he slams the investigative report as ”inaccurate, biased, and flawed.” The former governor claims that the report was a one-sided hit job, ignoring evidence that could undermine the allegations against him. He denies ever harassing anyone, folks. It’s a classic case of he-said, she-said, but with lawyers and lawsuits thrown into the mix. Exciting stuff!

But wait, it gets even more interesting. The New York Daily News, a newspaper that has been battling it out with Attorney General James for these same records, made an appearance in Cuomo’s lawsuit. They’ve been denied access as well. Cuomo’s spokesperson, Rich Azzopardi, didn’t hold back, accusing James of hiding the requested materials from the public. He also expressed his sadness that the courts have to intervene in this messy situation. It’s like a reality TV show airing on C-SPAN!

Now, the attorney general’s office isn’t offering much in the way of comment. They’re just pointing everyone to a ruling from a federal judge that shut down one of Cuomo’s previous attempts to get his hands on these records. Burn, baby, burn!

So, folks, it looks like we’re in for a legal showdown in the Empire State. Cuomo is fighting tooth and nail to clear his name, while Attorney General James keeps those records under lock and key. All we can do is sit back, grab some popcorn, and watch the drama unfold. Don’t touch that dial!

Written by Staff Reports

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