
DC Prosecutors Want Trump Gagged: Ban “Inflammatory” Speech

In the latest development in the ongoing saga of the left’s obsession with Donald Trump, federal prosecutors are now seeking to muzzle the former president. They are shamelessly attempting to restrict his First Amendment rights by seeking an order that would prevent him from making “inflammatory” and “intimidating” comments about witnesses, lawyers, and even the judge.

It is astonishing that these prosecutors have the audacity to try and silence one of the most influential voices in modern American politics. They are clearly intimidated by Trump’s continued popularity and are resorting to desperate measures in an attempt to prevent him from speaking out.

But let’s be real here – it’s not like Trump is some sort of loose cannon who can’t control his words. He is a savvy businessman and a master communicator who knows how to rally his supporters and get his message across. And that is exactly what these prosecutors are afraid of.

They know that if Trump is allowed to speak freely, he will expose the hypocrisy and corruption that runs rampant in our government. He will call out the biased media, the activist judges, and the deep state operatives who are hell-bent on undermining our democracy.

In their desperate attempt to silence Trump, these prosecutors are only further proving the point that the Democrats are afraid of the truth. They are afraid of a leader who is not afraid to stand up for the American people and fight for what is right.

But mark my words, no court order or attempt to muzzle Trump will ever succeed. His voice will not be silenced, and his message will continue to resonate with millions of Americans who are tired of the political establishment’s lies and deceit. The left can try all they want, but they will never be able to silence the truth.

Written by Staff Reports

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