
Debbie Dingell Cheers While Americans Drown in High Prices and Biden’s Empty Promises!

Democratic Rep. Debbie Dingell of Michigan is at it again, folks! She’s out here preaching about how we should all be giving President Joe Biden a big pat on the back for supposedly “turning around” the U.S. economy. Bless her heart, she must be living in a different reality than the rest of us.

Now, let’s get one thing straight. While inflation may have been a measly 3.1% in December, prices have skyrocketed a whopping 17.2% since Biden took office in January 2021. Just ask the voters in the New Hampshire primary who are feeling the pain of high food and gas prices. But according to Dingell, we should all be singing praises to Biden for the crumbs he’s thrown our way.

Dingell had the audacity to scold her fellow Democrats in Michigan for daring to take credit for funds that Biden “made sure came here.” Oh, give me a break! As if Biden has some secret stash of money he’s personally delivering to each state. It’s called taxpayer dollars, Debbie, and last time we checked, Biden didn’t earn those dollars by working a day in his life.

But Dingell doesn’t stop there, folks. She goes on to preach to her colleagues, state legislators, and even her precious mirrors that we all need to give credit where credit is due. Sorry, Debbie, but I think most Americans are more concerned with putting food on the table and filling up their gas tanks than giving Biden a participation trophy.

Speaking of Biden, he recently announced over $5 billion in new infrastructure projects during a speech in Wisconsin. And of course, he couldn’t resist patting himself on the back and embracing the term “Bidenomics.” It’s like he’s trying to make his failed policies sound appealing by slapping his name on them. Talk about an ego trip!

But here’s the kicker, folks. Despite Dingell’s cheerleading and Biden’s self-congratulatory speeches, the American people aren’t buying it. Biden’s approval rating on the economy is a dismal 37%, according to RealClearPolitics. And a recent poll found that only 34% of Americans believe they are better off than they were four years ago. Gee, I wonder why?

So, sorry, Debbie, but no amount of spin from you or Biden can convince us that the economy is booming under his leadership. The only thing booming is our grocery bills and gas prices. But hey, at least we have Bidenomics to thank for that, right? *cue eye roll*

Written by Staff Reports

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