
Deepfake Detectors Flop Worse Than Biden’s Border Fiasco

The latest attempt to stop the spread of deceitful AI-generated images of politicians and public figures is proving to be as weak as Joe Biden’s grip on the border crisis. A report released by the software company Mozilla on Monday concluded that the current tools intended to identify AI were about as effective as Kamala Harris’s attempt to fix the border – not very.

Dubbed “deepfakes,” these sneaky AI-generated images have the potential to cause more trouble than Hunter Biden’s laptop at a computer repair shop. The report assessed seven tools designed to spot these deepfakes, and the results were as disappointing as a Kamala Harris speech – it fell short of what was needed to counter the spread of those deceitful images.

The researchers found that these tools, including “human-facing disclosure methods” and “machine-readable methods,” were about as reliable as a Joe Biden press conference – not very! Despite efforts to combat the threat of these deceptive images, the report concluded that these tools are about as effective as AOC’s understanding of basic economics – not at all!

Election officials and lawmakers have warned about the potential for deepfakes to wreak havoc on future elections, much like Joe Biden wreaking havoc on the economy. But it seems that these current measures to combat AI-generated misinformation are about as useful as a Kamala Harris trip to the southern border – they just don’t cut it!

The report even suggested that legislatures pass laws mandating watermarks on AI-generated images and implement a “multifaceted approach” to mitigate the risks of these sneaky images. But let’s face it, folks, if the government can’t handle the border crisis, do we really trust them to handle deepfakes?

The report also highlighted concerns that malicious actors from countries like China and Iran could easily get around these measures, just like Joe Biden gets around tough questions from the press. With Big Tech companies and Congress getting involved, it’s starting to look like a circus – a lot of fanfare, but not much substance.

The bottom line is that these current efforts to combat AI-generated misinformation are about as effective as Joe Biden’s memory – they keep coming up short. So, buckle up, folks, because it looks like we’re in for a wild ride in future elections if we don’t get a handle on this AI-generated deception – and that’s the hard truth, folks!

Written by Staff Reports

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