
Defense Sec’s Secret Surgery Scandal: Biden Clueless, Security at Risk?

In a shocking revelation that left President Biden and the American public in the dark, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin finally emerged from a mysterious and secretive hospitalization that followed surgery for prostate cancer. And what did he have to say for himself? “I take full responsibility,” he admitted, for the scandal that kept his whereabouts and condition hidden from the American people and even the President himself.

In a press conference that raised more questions than it answered, Austin confessed, “I did not handle this right. I should’ve told the president, my team, and the American public about my cancer diagnosis.” Well, thanks for the belated honesty, Mr. Austin, but that doesn’t change the fact that American citizens were kept in the dark about the health of one of the nation’s top defense officials.

And despite the chaos in the Middle East and attacks on U.S. troops, Austin had the audacity to claim that there were “no gaps in authorities and no risk to the Department’s command and control” while he was quietly whisked away to Walter Reed. Who does he think he’s fooling? With the top military official out of commission and no one the wiser, how can we trust that our national security wasn’t compromised?

And if that wasn’t enough, Austin had the nerve to say that he and his deputy secretary were “in full charge” at all times during his hospitalization. Right, because being secretly hospitalized and undergoing surgery is the definition of being in full charge. Give us a break!

As for his current condition, Austin stated that he is “recovering well” and thanked the doctors at Walter Reed, but also mentioned he is “dealing with leg pain.” Well, maybe if he had been more forthcoming about his diagnosis from the start, he wouldn’t have found himself in this mess. It’s time for Secretary Austin to own up to the full extent of his mishandling of this situation and stop trying to cover it up with half-hearted apologies and excuses.

Written by Staff Reports

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