
Dem Congressman Stunned: Trump Rally Goers Friendly, Diverse & Ignored by Own Party!

U.S. Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) had a shocking revelation recently when he attended a Trump rally in New Hampshire. The congressman, who is challenging President Biden in the Democratic primary, couldn’t believe what he witnessed at the event. As he stood across the street at his own event, he observed a long line of people waiting in the cold for hours. It was a sight that perplexed Phillips, who had never been to a Trump rally before.

To his surprise, as he interacted with the Trump supporters waiting in line, he found them to be thoughtful, hospitable, and friendly. They were frustrated that they felt ignored by the Democratic Party and believed that only Donald Trump was truly listening to them. Phillips was amazed by the diversity of the crowd, as many of these people had never attended a Trump event before.

In a candid interview with CNN, Phillips criticized his own party. According to him, the Democratic Party is completely delusional at the moment. He expressed his frustration that no one in the party seems focused on defeating Donald Trump, aside from himself. Phillips believes that President Biden’s age and poor polling numbers make him an ineffective candidate.

It’s refreshing to hear a Democrat acknowledge the reality that President Biden is not resonating with Americans. Phillips understands that people are flocking to Trump rallies because they feel heard and acknowledged by the former president. This is a sentiment that is often dismissed or ignored by the liberal media and the Democratic Party.

Despite not winning the primary against President Biden, Phillips captured around 20 percent of the vote and has vowed to continue his campaign. It’s clear that he is committed to challenging the status quo within his own party and fighting for a candidate who can truly defeat Donald Trump.

U.S. Rep. Dean Phillips’s firsthand experience at a Trump rally has provided him with valuable insights into the concerns and frustrations of Trump supporters. It’s refreshing to see a Democrat acknowledge the disconnect between their party and everyday Americans. Phillips’s determination to challenge President Biden in the primary reflects the desire for a stronger candidate who can effectively take on Donald Trump.

Written by Staff Reports

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