
Dem Lib Caught Rigging Vote: Fire Alarm Fiasco!

Democratic lawmaker, Representative Jamaal Bowman of New York, has found himself in hot water after triggering a fire alarm in the Cannon House Office Building just before a critical House vote. The vote in question was for a government funding bill aimed at preventing a shutdown. Upon hearing the news of the fire alarm, House Administration Committee Chairman Bryan Steil, a Republican from Wisconsin, wasted no time announcing an investigation into the incident. The alarm occurred around noon, resulting in the evacuation of the entire building. Fortunately, Capitol Police quickly determined that there was no actual threat, allowing the building to be reopened within an hour.

In response to the investigation, Representative Bowman’s office has attempted to downplay the incident as an innocent mistake. In a statement released on Saturday, Bowman confessed that he had activated the fire alarm accidentally while rushing to cast his vote. He expressed embarrassment and apologized for any confusion caused. Furthermore, he emphasized that his intention was not to delay the vote, but rather to urgently make it in time. Bowman supported his claim by pointing out that he eventually did manage to cast his vote and joined his colleagues in a bipartisan effort to keep the government running.

However, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and several other Republicans were not convinced by Bowman’s explanation. McCarthy called for an ethics investigation into the incident and expressed his belief that the congressman’s actions should not go unpunished. McCarthy even drew a parallel between Bowman’s fire alarm incident and the events of the Capitol breach on January 6, 2021. Bowman, in response, criticized McCarthy and accused him of trying to manipulate the situation for political gain.

As the investigation continues, it remains to be seen if any further action will be taken against Representative Bowman. In the meantime, the government funding bill passed through both the House and Senate, effectively averting a potential shutdown. President Joe Biden signed the measure on Saturday night, ensuring that federal agencies would continue to operate beyond October 1st.

Written by Staff Reports

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