
Dem Rep Backs Trump’s Tariffs; Calls for Tougher Stance on China

Former President Donald Trump was criticized by Democrats for placing tariffs on China, but according to Breitbart, not all in the Democratic party believe in this condemnation, including Rep. Brad Sherman from California. In a recent interview, Sherman emphasized that the United States made a “big mistake” when it granted China the “most favored nation trade status,” adding that he believes the country should face U.S. tariffs to even the playing field. Sherman even believes that Trump’s tariffs were not strong enough, and President Biden should impose “tariffs on Chinese goods across the board.”

The admission from Sherman comes as Republicans have criticized President Biden over his weakness in dealing with China. Even Forbes reported on Sherman’s belief that there should be “an automatic 25% tariff on all China goods.” China’s trade relationship with the US is the “most lopsided trade relationship in the history of…life.” Not to mention, Hollywood is told they can only get 40 movies into China each year. That means if you make a movie critical of China, that doesn’t go to China. But it also means that none of your movies are going to China. Luckily, Sherman wants to change our trade relationship with China, and the way he believes the US should do that is with tariffs on Chinese goods across the board.

However, it doesn’t seem likely that the Biden administration will impose new or even strict tariffs on China. According to a Reuters report, the US is taking an “analytical approach” in determining whether or not to add new tariffs. Many believe Biden is one of the weakest presidents when it comes to China’s trade issue, and China in general. It’s no wonder why Sherman’s belief in imposing tariffs was probably jaw-dropping for some Democrats, but it just goes to show you that even some from the opposite party see the necessity in standing up to China’s unfair trade practices.

Source: Conservative Institute

Written by Staff Reports

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