
Dem Rep Betrays Biden: Black Voter Support Plummets!

In a stunning display of political finger-pointing, Democratic Rep. Jamaal Bowman of New York took a swing at President Joe Biden, blaming him for losing support from black voters. According to Bowman, Biden’s failure to “have a conversation about reparations” is what’s causing the black community to turn their backs on the president. The nerve of Bowman to throw shade at his own party’s leader!

To add fuel to the fire, recent polling from NBC News shows that Biden’s approval rating among black voters has taken a nosedive from over 46% earlier this year to a dismal 27% in November. Ouch, that’s gotta hurt! And guess who Bowman pointed the finger at for this downward spiral? None other than good ol’ Joe Biden, of course.

But wait, there’s more! Bowman went on to claim that the Biden administration is too busy throwing money at other countries instead of taking care of business at home. He argues that the administration is more focused on sending cash overseas for wars than investing in education or healthcare. Can you believe the nerve? Someone get this guy a mirror, because he seems to have forgotten which party he belongs to!

As if that wasn’t enough, Bowman decided to throw shade at Biden for “spending hundreds of billions of dollars every year on weapons and war” and not even having a “conversation about reparations.” It’s like he’s trying to start a political firestorm or something! Well, guess what, Bowman? The United States has allies to support and enemies to defend against, and that takes money. Maybe take a chill pill and think about the bigger picture, eh?

And just when you thought Bowman was done, he threw in some jabs about the Biden administration’s lack of comprehensive immigration reform for the Latino community. Talk about kicking a guy when he’s down! But the kicker? Bowman conveniently ignored the United States’ efforts to aid Israel after being attacked by terrorists and support Ukraine in its fight against Russia. Guess those don’t fit his narrative, huh?

And here’s the cherry on top: recent polls also show that Biden is losing support from the younger crowd, with 59% of voters under 30 rating the economy as “poor.” Bowman conveniently forgets to mention that, doesn’t he? And guess who’s waiting in the wings for a potential rematch in 2024? That’s right, former President Donald Trump. If a hypothetical rematch between Trump and Biden were to happen, a new poll suggests that Trump would snag more support from voters between 18 and 34. Oh, the irony!

Talk about stirring the political pot! Bowman’s comments are just another divisive move from the left, and it’s no wonder why some folks might be turning away from old Sleepy Joe. But you can bet your bottom dollar that folks on the right, like former President Trump, are chomping at the bit for a chance to swoop in and fix the mess Biden and his bumbling crew have made. Let the political games begin!

Written by Staff Reports

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