
Dem Rep Reveals Harsh Truth of Biden Agenda at IRS Whistleblower Hearing!

The hearings for the IRS whistleblower in front of the House Oversight Committee were a total disaster for the Democrats. They came across as completely disorganized and uninformed. It was clear that some of them couldn’t even get their timelines right and their line of questioning was quickly shut down. They were truly out of their depth.

But the real star of the hearing was Joseph Ziegler, aka “Mr. X” or “Agent X”. He’s a 13-year veteran of the IRS and, oh, did I mention he’s a gay Democrat? That’s right, the Republican operative smear campaign doesn’t apply to him. No matter how hard the Democrats tried to discredit him, they couldn’t. Ziegler is a credible professional who offered damning evidence of wrongdoing in the investigation of Hunter Biden.

And let’s not forget about IRS Special Agent Greg Shapley, who also testified and provided mountains of evidence. These two men made it clear that the Biden administration is doing everything in its power to protect Hunter Biden. But unlike Michael Cohen, who was a rat, Shapley and Ziegler are respectable officials with no ulterior motives. Their testimony cannot be ignored or swept under the rug.

In fact, Shapley’s account has now put Attorney General Merrick Garland in serious jeopardy. Garland claimed that US Attorney David Weiss had the power to go after Hunter, but Shapley’s testimony proved that to be false. Garland also said that no one from the DOJ interfered with the case, but we now know that’s not true either. Garland could be facing impeachment for perjury.

But the real dunce of the day goes to Rep. Dan Goldman. During his questioning, he accidentally confirmed what Shapley had alleged weeks ago – that the investigation into Hunter was severely interfered with due to the potential implications for Joe Biden. Goldman’s slip-up could be the final nail in the coffin for the Bidens and could lead to the appointment of a Special Counsel to investigate them further.

All in all, the Democrats were left scrambling and running around like chickens with their heads cut off. They couldn’t handle the truth and they couldn’t handle the facts that were presented to them. It’s clear that the Biden family has a lot to answer for, and it’s about time they were held accountable.

Written by Staff Reports

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