
Dem Senator Rips Parents’ Rights: The Audio Exposing Monty Mason’s Real Agenda

In a shocking turn of events, Virginia Democratic state Sen. Monty Mason was caught on a hot mic berating parental rights and disparaging the efforts of Governor Glenn Youngkin to protect them. Yes, you heard that right, folks. Mason, in his true democratic fashion, used terms such as “parental garbage,” “stupid,” and “parental crap” to describe the very rights that should be upheld and valued.

Now, as Mason faces a tough reelection battle and Governor Youngkin fights tooth and nail to defend the Republican majority in the House of Delegates and retake the Senate, desperation seems to be clouding Mason’s judgment. He’s resorting to claiming his comments were taken out of context and even hiding behind Republican victories to save face. It’s pathetic, really.

But let’s not be fooled by Mason’s feeble attempts to backtrack. The Washington Post recently published an article highlighting Youngkin’s campaign strategy, which revolves around the simple yet profound idea that parents matter. And they absolutely do! Youngkin made parents’ rights a cornerstone of his 2021 election campaign, and he has remained steadfast in prioritizing them during his time in office.

Meanwhile, Mason, trapped in one of the most closely contested districts in Virginia, conveniently couldn’t be reached for comment when The Washington Post reached out. However, he had the audacity to claim that his derogatory comments were directed at Youngkin’s politics, not parents’ concerns. Nice try, Mason, but we’ve all heard the audio, and it’s crystal clear what you really meant.

Let’s take a stroll down memory lane and revisit Mason’s remarks from April. He shamelessly referred to bills aimed at protecting children from online pornography as “parental garbage.” Can you believe it? Protecting children from harmful content is garbage in the eyes of Monty Mason. And let’s not forget his mockery of verification steps for online purchases as “stupid.” Well, Mr. Mason, I suppose protecting people’s hard-earned money is just a big joke to you, huh?

But wait, there’s more! Mason went on to dismiss all concerns about parental rights by referring to them as “parental crap.” How disrespectful can one person be? Del. Simonds even chimed in to remind Mason of their accomplishment of “killing” these bills, as if it’s something to be proud of. It’s truly baffling that Mason and his Democrat cronies think it’s perfectly acceptable to kill commonsense legislation aimed at protecting our children. It just goes to show how out of touch they are with everyday Americans.

In a desperate attempt to salvage his image, Mason has taken to releasing ads that tout Republican accomplishments like education and tax cuts. It’s a sorry sight to see, folks. Mason and his fellow Democrats have consistently blocked bills that would allow parents to opt out of explicit presentations or performances and mandate parental involvement in crafting library policies. But now, he suddenly wants to jump on the Republican bandwagon when it’s politically expedient. Give me a break!

Let’s not forget that Mason claims credit for cutting the grocery tax and lowering income rates, as if he had anything to do with it. These were priorities of Republican state leadership, which Mason and his fellow Democrats actively opposed. It’s the epitome of hypocrisy for Mason to now pretend he’s a champion of Republican policies. Nice try, Mason, but we see right through your political charade.

It’s not just Mason who’s attempting to hide behind Republican accomplishments. Outgoing Democratic Governor Ralph Northam also shamelessly promoted the grocery tax cuts in his final weeks in office, trying to take credit for something he vehemently opposed during Youngkin’s campaign. Virginia Democrats are experts at stealing thunder and claiming victory for conservative policies they fought tooth and nail against.

In conclusion, Monty Mason’s remarks about parental rights and his attempts to distance himself from them are truly despicable. He has shown a complete disregard for the concerns of parents and a disdain for conservative policies aimed at protecting our children. Virginians deserve leaders who will prioritize their rights and values, not politicians who will say anything to get reelected. Thankfully, Governor Glenn Youngkin and the Republican majority in the House of Delegates are fighting for us. Let’s stand with them and ensure a brighter future for Virginia.

Written by Staff Reports

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