
Democrat in Murder Probe: Media Silent!

A well-known Democrat has been caught up in a murder case, which is not a big surprise. Robert Telles, who used to be a public official in Clark County, Nevada, is accused of killing investigative writer Jeff German. According to the first stories, German and Telles got into a fight on the day that German died. The car driven by the person of interest in this case also looks like Telles' car. Several pieces of evidence have been found against Telles, such as DNA found under the reporter's fingernails and bloody pieces of clothing and a shoe found at Telles' house that match items worn by a suspect seen walking around German's neighborhood the day he was killed.

Even with everything that has happened, Telles has kept his integrity. From jail, he has steadfastly supported his time as a public administrator. In March, he even asked for the judge who was in charge of the murder case. Since Telles is a lawyer by trade, he has decided to represent himself in this case.

During Telles's last court meeting, he even filed a motion against the Las Vegas police, saying that they had planted evidence to make him look like the murderer. Even though the Clark County Citizen Review Board looked into the case, Telles has been in jail since he was charged with murder on September 7, 2022.

One has to wonder why the major news outlets don't seem to be covering this important story. If Telles were a Republican, this would be all over the news, and the clear story would be that Republicans are crazy and will kill reporters they don't like. It's clear that the major media doesn't want to talk about this story because of what it means for politics.

It's time to stop focusing on party lines and put more value on getting to the truth. Jeff German was a hardworking reporter who was doing his job when he was killed in a terrible way. No matter what political party they belong to, the person who did this horrible thing must be brought to justice.

Written by Staff Reports

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