
Democrat Pat Ryan Urges Biden to Exit 2024 Race Amid Growing Left-Wing Dissent

Democratic Congressman Pat Ryan of New York joined the ever-expanding list of left-wing lawmakers turning their backs on President Joe Biden, urging him to step out of the 2024 presidential race. This bold move follows intense scrutiny not just from his Republican rival, Alison Esposito, but also from local media, including those typically allied with the Democratic camp.

According to The New York Times, Ryan suggested Biden should step down "for the good of the country" and advocated for an open primary. Talk about throwing your guy under the bus! Even the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee's (DCCC) frontline member, who barely clings to his seat, couldn't resist the mounting pressure to distance himself from Biden's political quagmire.

Biden, ever the blame-shifter, accused "elites" of stirring the pot, while Ryan claimed he was hearing genuine concerns from the average Joe in his swing district. Those hot dog munchers and beer guzzlers, who apparently also have a thing or two to say about the Yankees, are now dreading the "pretty deep and weighty things" going wrong with the country.

Ryan, with his career on the line, stressed he couldn't lie to his constituents by endorsing Biden as the best candidate. He implored Biden to step aside for the sake of his two young children and the nation. Ryan's hypothetical big heart wished Biden would heed the call. Sure, it wouldn't have anything to do with the political fallout from Biden's continued doddering.

Adding yet another layer to this circus, Ryan is the eighth Congress member to demand Biden's exit, hinting at a growing mutiny within the donkey party. He cleverly lined up a list of potential replacements, a wish list of leftist heavyweights like Kamala Harris, Gretchen Whitmer, Wes Moore, and Pete Buttigieg. If that doesn't make conservative stomachs churn, what will?

But hold the phone because Tuesday's local rag, the Daily Freeman, already highlighted Esposito is pressing Ryan to pick a side on Biden. Ryan dodged and weaved, attacking Trump instead because, when in doubt, blame The Donald. Esposito took him to task for his political cowardice, asserting that Ryan only spoke up when it suited him. She questioned why Biden was okay to finish his term but not campaign again.

Esposito didn't mince words, criticizing Ryan for repeatedly rubber-stamping Biden's failing policies. She blasted him for his political expediency and highlighted his delayed condemnation of Biden post-debate. Esposito made it clear that Biden is nothing more than a puppet for the Democrats' agenda and that, come November, voters will see through Ryan's transparent ploy.

Reinforcements from the National Republican Congressional Committee echoed these sentiments, labeling Ryan a fraud and accusing him of demanding Biden step down merely to salvage his career. If Ryan genuinely cared about the country's state, he would demand Biden's immediate resignation due to his apparent mental unfitness for office.

Cook Political Report might still peg Ryan's race as "Lean Democratic," but Democrats are sweating bullets, especially after Biden's infamous debate debacle. Down-ballot races, Ryan's included, are feeling the heat. As for the State of New York? Political insiders hint it could swing back into play, marking another Democratic Waterloo.

Ryan may hope his betrayal will save him come election day, but conservatives across the nation see it for what it is—a desperate move by a desperate man in a party that's lost its way.

Written by Staff Reports

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