
Democrat Senator Butchers History, Pays Price in Brutal Fact-Check!

Dem Senator Jeanne Shaheen faced a harsh fact-check after she botched a famous quote by Benjamin Franklin during her commentary on the January 6th Capitol incursion. Shaheen had substituted the word “democracy” for “republic” in Franklin’s quote, which should be well-known to every lawmaker. The corrected quote reads, “A republic, if you can keep it.” Many Democrats, it seems, dislike the word “republic” because it serves as a reminder that it is the Constitution, not majority rule, that governs the United States.

The Constitution ensures checks and balances, protects the rights of all individuals, and upholds the rule of law. Shaheen’s alteration of the quote was met with criticism on social media, with users pointing out her mistake and accusing her of misleading the public. Some even mocked her lack of knowledge regarding the quote. Despite attempts by the Democrat party to change the reality, the American people have not forgotten that the United States is a republic, and they intend to keep it that way.

Written by Staff Reports

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