
Democrats Abandon Ship as Reps Urge Biden Not to Run in 2024 Presidential Election

Well, folks, it looks like the Democrat ship is sinking faster than the Titanic, and the rats are already jumping overboard. On Thursday, Illinois Democrat Rep. Brad Schneider decided to join the ranks of his panicked colleagues calling for Joe Biden to step out of the 2024 presidential race. That makes Schneider the 11th Democrat from the House to wave the white flag this week. Not long after, Rep. Ed Case of Hawaii jumped on the bandwagon, showing just how deep the despair runs within the party.

Schneider, in his desperate plea, suggested that Biden should “heroically pass the torch to a new generation of leadership.” Translation: even his own party recognizes Biden’s time is up. Schneider went on to paint a dramatic picture of the stark choice facing America, where somehow stumbling through another term with Biden would be a race against time to save democracy itself. Sure, because letting Biden fumble speeches and trip over air is apparently the only way to save the republic.

But it seems the sentiment isn’t limited to the Windy City and the Aloha State. Michigan’s Rep. Hillary Scholten added her voice to the growing chorus, urging Biden to step aside for the “good of democracy.” One has to wonder – where were these concerned Democrats when they were cheerleading his every word not too long ago? Talk about a change of tune faster than a DJ at a wedding.

Then there’s Case, who delicately tried to sidestep Biden’s track record, claiming his call for withdrawal had nothing to do with character. Uh-huh, sure. It’s ironic how the same folks who can’t get enough of praising Biden’s “service and leadership” are now practically begging him to exit stage left for the sake of the party’s chances in 2024. Their sudden moment of clarity is either refreshing or just plain entertaining, depending on your point of view.

With Democrats practically staging a mutiny against their own President, one has to laugh at the mess they’ve made of their own house. They’ve spent years telling everyone Biden is the man for the job, only to now backpedal faster than an Olympic swimmer realizing they’re going in the wrong direction. The Democrat meltdown continues, and conservatives will be here with the popcorn, watching the chaos unfold.

Written by Staff Reports

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