
Democrats Delay Online Vote Amid Rising Panic to Nominate Biden

Here they go again, the Democrats are pulling out every trick in the book to save face and avoid the inevitable — more embarrassed looks when their dear leader, Mr. Biden, packs it in. The Dems are hitting the panic button, now opting to delay their online vote aimed at nominating him. Why the delay, you ask? Because the Democrats are facing a mutiny within their own ranks as lawmakers scream to replace him for the 2024 ticket.

Originally, the geniuses at the Democratic National Convention were all set to start their multi-day, online vote as early as Sunday, but now they’ve kicked the can down the road to the first week of August. What does this mean? It means they’re desperate to cling to old Joe ahead of their Chicago convention on Aug. 19, hoping this tactic might help them avoid the awkward in-person nomination process where delegates could upset their apple cart.\

Now, of course, the DNC swears up and down that the delay is purely logistical because, apparently, the filing deadline for presidential candidates in Ohio is Aug. 7. One might think this means Mr. Biden would be toast unless he’s locked in earlier, but miraculously, Ohio legislators extended the deadline to Sept. 1. Yet, still, the DNC claims they’re only being cautious in case Ohio Republicans pull some magical last-minute trick. Sounds more like an excuse to manipulate the process in their favor.

And let’s not overlook the laughable defense from Party Chairman Jaime Harrison, who ranted on social media about not relying on Republican goodwill. Perhaps he’s foreshadowing a future when Democrats might have to actually trust something outside their control. Heaven forbid! Harrison is pushing to finish the online process by Aug. 5, nearly ensuring that any move to replace Mr. Biden goes down in flames.

The truth is, even with the majority of delegates loyal to Mr. Biden, the internal pressure is mounting. Heavy hitters like Rep. Adam Schiff of California, while busy with his Senate run, are openly pushing for Biden to step aside. Schiff and others know that if Biden remains on the ticket, Democrats are staring down defeat, not just for the presidency but also for vital Senate and House races. The results could be catastrophic if Mr. Magoo continues to lose ground against former President Trump in battleground states.

Polls are painting an ugly picture for Biden. With his dismal debate performances and questions about his cognitive abilities, the public consensus is pushing him towards the door, and fast. Even within his own party, the whispers are growing louder that he should gracefully step down. If Biden doesn’t see the writing on the wall, well, it looks like the Democrats’ 2024 dream could turn into a nightmare.

In short, the Democrats are in damage control mode, desperately spinning this delay as a move to ensure ballot compliance. But let’s be real — it’s about saving as much face as possible before their Chicago convention. If Biden doesn’t voluntarily step aside soon, the Dems could be running the Joe Show straight into a brick wall come November 2024.

Written by Staff Reports

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