
Democrats Distance Themselves from Biden on Immigration Ahead of Midterms

In a surprising turn of events, it seems like some Democrats are starting to distance themselves from President Biden on the issue of immigration. President Biden, who previously claimed he couldn’t do much about the border situation, is now taking executive action to address illegal crossings. However, this sudden change of heart seems more like a political move to address a campaign issue rather than a genuine effort to solve the border crisis.

Several vulnerable Democratic Senators, who are up for re-election in swing states, have chosen to skip an event where President Biden will announce his new immigration actions. This decision underscores the growing concerns among these lawmakers about being associated with the Biden administration’s weak stance on border security. It’s clear that these Democrats are prioritizing their own re-election prospects over standing with the President, indicating a lack of confidence in his policies.

The proposed executive actions by President Biden are reminiscent of a previously rejected bipartisan deal, which failed to address the core issue of border closure. Instead, the new plan aims to restrict border crossings once asylum claims reach a certain level. Republicans, however, argue that this approach is insufficient given the current surge in illegal crossings and the administration’s lax enforcement of immigration laws.

The fact that vulnerable Senate Democrats are choosing to distance themselves from President Biden speaks volumes about his waning popularity and effectiveness. These lawmakers, who are polling better in their respective states than Biden, clearly see him as a liability rather than an asset. This growing rift within the Democratic party not only highlights internal divisions but also signals trouble for Biden’s re-election prospects.

It’s imperative for President Biden to garner support from his party members, especially those facing tough re-election battles. However, if these lawmakers believe they can win without aligning themselves closely with Biden, it underscores the challenges the President faces in unifying the Democratic party and rallying voter support. With midterm elections looming, Biden’s inability to rally his own party behind him could have serious implications for the Democrats’ electoral prospects.

Written by Staff Reports

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