
Democrats in Disarray as Biden Struggles, Trump Incident Adds Pressure

The Democratic Party is facing a crisis over President Joe Biden’s candidacy with less than four months until the presidential election. The assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania has somehow turned into more headaches for the Democrats. As Biden grasps for support, the question isn’t just about managing a campaign—it’s whether his own party wants him leading it.

Trump narrowly survived an attack on Saturday, an event that has some Democrats grudgingly accepting Biden as the party’s nominee. Biden’s campaign scrambled to make him look presidential with numerous press appearances after his dismal debate performance on June 27. But apparently, not everyone is buying it. Many Democrat insiders are vocally worried about Biden’s stamina and capability.

According to a Democratic strategist, trying to persuade Biden to step aside now is nearly impossible. The assassination attempt on Trump makes this conversation incredibly delicate. They found a way to make Trump’s life-or-death moment all about their own internal struggles. How very Democrat of them.

Democrat loyalists and donors are in a conundrum. To suggest Biden step down now could be seen as insensitive, given recent events. But common sense would say parting ways with Sleepy Joe sooner rather than later might actually save their sinking ship. Even Biden’s allies are suggesting the momentum is gone, and it’s time to face reality. 


Biden made an attempt to sound unifying, addressing the nation from the Oval Office on Sunday. He spoke about “lowering the temperature in our politics,” which from Biden, might as well mean, “please don’t fire me.” His half-hearted attempt at taming the chaos won’t placate anyone seriously concerned about party success in November.

The Democrats are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Push Biden aside and they’re seen as unstable; keep him and they might as well send a gift basket to Trump’s re-election party. The recent assassination attempt only complicates their ability to boot Joe, but desperate times call for desperate measures. With Biden’s recent COVID diagnosis, there’s a new opportunity for his health to become the tipping point Democrats have been praying for. If they play their cards right, they can make the shift before November.

In the end, common sense says the Democrats need to find a clause to bounce Biden out and fast. They’re prolonging the inevitable—because come November, Trump may be reelected and they’ll have wasted their time and resources on a candidate who should have retired seasons ago. The clock is ticking, and so too is Biden’s grip on his party’s patience.

Written by Staff Reports

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