
Democrats Plotting to Oust Biden as Schiff Warns of 2024 Disaster

The plot to oust Sleepy Joe Biden is afoot once again, despite a brief hiatus thanks to the failed assassination attempt on The Donald in Butler, PA, back in mid-July. Apparently, folks were too spooked to get political, save for the ever-reliable trolls on Twitter and the major left-leaning news networks. But guess who’s back in action? Yes, Hill Democrats, the noisy “dump Biden” faction, and a top Dem who’s desperately trying to prevent the party from going down in flames.

California’s Representative Adam Schiff, now running for Senate (because clearly, he’s mastered his current gig), had a cozy chit-chat with donors on Saturday. In true melodramatic fashion, Schiff warned that the Democratic Party was heading for a disaster of Titanic proportions if Biden remains the headliner for 2024. According to those in the know, Schiff’s words were blunt: with Biden at the helm, the Dems are not only going to lose to Trump but will likely kiss the Senate goodbye and miss their big chance at taking the House.

In Schiff’s assessment, Biden’s candidacy is like an old jalopy dragging down the party’s hopes and dreams. He painted a bleak picture of the Dems’ future, suggesting that if Biden is the nominee, November would be a huge, embarrassing fail. Not to spare any theatrics, he sounded the alarm that they may very well lose the Senate and blow their shot at clawing back the House.

While most senior Democrats still prefer to keep their public comments wrapped in a fuzzy blanket of optimism, Schiff’s remarks highlighted the deep-seated anxieties within the blue camp. The “keep Biden” crowd is faced with a stark choice: risk everything by standing behind a president with waning support or pull the plug and regroup.

In the past weeks, Schiff, without his usual enthusiasm, endorsed the president on Sunday morning talk shows, generating more than a few raised eyebrows. The simmering coup against Biden has reignited as Dems stumble toward another chaotic virtual roll call. Some delegates are demanding more time to decide Biden’s fate, while others are pressing for substance instead of hollow talking points following Biden’s disastrous debate performance in late June, which gave everyone a bad case of the jitters.

Clearly, Biden’s camp has switched into panic mode, frantically dialing delegates to shore up support and keep this sinking ship afloat. Some desperate souls are even calling for a rule change to let delegates vote their conscience without repercussions. As Biden’s aides struggle to fend off a mutiny, it’s clear the Democratic Party is in for a wild ride to the convention. Buckle up, folks, the circus is back in town.

Written by Staff Reports

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