
Democrats Second-guess Harris As Biden Emerges As Potential Safer Choice

With the 2024 presidential race heating up, a surprising notion is creeping into the mainstream discourse: was Joe Biden actually the better candidate than Kamala Harris? Just when the media had begun to embrace Harris as the shining star of the Democratic Party, her campaign appears to be in freefall, prompting a wave of second-guessing among Democrats and their allies in the press.

Once upon a time, the ascendance of Kamala Harris to the top of the Democratic ticket was hailed as a masterstroke, even if her track record suggested otherwise. Sure, she had a reputation for being about as likable as soggy toast, but, hey, at least she wasn’t Joe Biden sparking fears of a public breakdown during a high-pressure debate. Fast forward to now, and the Democrats find themselves wishing they might have stuck with good old Joe, despite his well-documented struggles with age and vigor.

Amid mounting panic, it seems that the more hawkish Democrats are starting to wonder if Biden’s experience and long political career might have been the safer bet. Even without the disastrous debate against Trump, would the seasoned politician have handled the pressure better? It’s an intriguing line of thinking, especially as Harris flounders with voters. The chatter suggests that Biden might actually have fared better in key swing states, where Harris is meeting with less enthusiasm than a bland vegetable medley.

The sudden re-evaluation of Biden’s candidacy was reportedly ignited by the launch of Bob Woodward’s new book, which puts forth a puzzling yet optimistic portrayal of Biden’s competencies. Of course, anyone who trusts Woodward’s take on Biden needs a serious reality check, as his pro-Democrat bias rivals that of even the most fervent leftist pundits. The question remains, though: is the media genuinely assessing Biden’s merits, or simply reacting to a campaign that’s sputtering out of control?

The realization that Harris is leading a sinking ship has sent shockwaves through the Democratic apparatus. In a climate where fear and paranoia reign, every minor misstep by Trump is scrutinized to the nth degree while they recoil at the thought of Harris being marginalized in the public eye. The left’s current pandemonium, as evidenced by their fixation on Trump’s less-than-glamorous visits to fast-food joints, indicates a scrambling response to the perception of impending disaster in the election.

The critique that Biden’s age poses challenges doesn’t erase the reality that Harris has her own major shortcomings. Stripped of the dazzling veneer that was once laid over her candidacy, there’s a growing acknowledgment that both options were flawed, yet the hope remains that Biden might have been the ticket’s more competent choice. With the election looming and chaos swirling all around, it sets the stage for a fascinating spectacle as the Democrats grapple with their self-inflicted woes, all while praying their chosen candidate can start swimming instead of sinking like a stone.

Written by Staff Reports

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