
Democrat’s Shocking New Demand from DOJ Uncovered!

During a recent House Judiciary Committee hearing in Washington, Democratic Congresswoman Pramilla Jayapal took aim at Attorney General Merrick Garland, demanding to know how he plans to strong-arm religious hospitals into performing abortions. Jayapal, who hails from the ever-progressive state of Washington, bemoaned the prevalence of religiously affiliated hospitals in her home state. She claimed that certain counties in Washington lack even a single secular hospital, leaving vulnerable patients without access to the abortion services they supposedly need for life-saving treatment.

In an attempt to underscore her point, Jayapal proudly revealed that she herself had undergone an abortion. She then grilled Garland, asking what the Department of Justice (DOJ) plans to do to ensure compliance with the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act. Specifically, she inquired whether the DOJ would enforce a requirement for every Medicare-funded hospital to provide “necessary stabilizing treatment,” which, according to her interpretation, includes abortion care. Without batting an eye, Garland admitted, “You’re right,” and indicated that his agency is exploring ways to intervene.

But let’s not ignore the bigger issue here. It seems that the left, embodied by Jayapal and Garland, is hell-bent on forcing their values upon religious doctors and hospitals. By demanding that these healthcare professionals go against their deeply held beliefs and participate in the taking of innocent lives, they are trampling on religious freedom and the very essence of our constitutional rights. It’s a troubling trend, and one that conservatives must stand firmly against.

And while Jayapal and Garland are busy pushing their pro-abortion agenda, the DOJ is cracking down on pro-life activists who peacefully protest outside abortion clinics. In a shocking display of government overreach, the DOJ has filed an unprecedented number of charges against these individuals. This week, we learned that elderly women, who posed no threat to anyone, were sentenced to lengthy prison terms for allegedly violating the FACE (Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances) Act. It’s a clear example of the left’s double standards and hypocrisy when it comes to freedom of speech and peaceful protests.

In conclusion, we must resist the left’s attempts to force their radical abortion agenda on religious institutions and individuals. Our Constitution protects religious freedom, and it’s imperative that we protect this fundamental right. At the same time, we must condemn the unjust targeting of pro-life activists by the DOJ. It’s time for conservatives to stand up and fight for the values that make our country great.

Written by Staff Reports

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