
Dems’ Border Concerns? Only for Biden’s Reelection, Blasts Sen. Johnson

Senator Ron Johnson recently lambasted Democrats for their sudden interest in addressing southern border issues. The Wisconsin Republican minced no words, attributing the Democrats' newfound concern solely to potential hurdles in President Biden's reelection bid. According to Johnson, Democrats turned a blind eye to the crisis until it threatened Biden's political future.

Appearing on the Fox News Channel, Johnson criticized Democrats' inaction, stating, "Their concern only arises when Biden's reelection is on the line." Urgency echoed in his words as he urged for "unprecedented actions" to rectify the unprecedented surge of illegal immigrants at the border.

Senate negotiations, nestled within a broader national security aid package, have sparked controversy, with Republicans pressing for more transparency from their leadership. Johnson voiced skepticism about the talks' effectiveness, especially in addressing the border crisis. He stressed the necessity for tangible measures to stem migrant influx, dismissing mere legislative changes or rhetoric.

The daily average of nearly 10,000 migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border deeply troubles Johnson. He insisted, "Tweaking legislative language won't cut it. We must stop this flow and demonstrate our commitment to securing our border. We need to seal it off."


Written by Staff Reports

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