
Dems Dodge Democracy in WA, Snub Crucial Initiatives

Attention all freedom-loving patriots and guardians of common sense! The Democratic leadership in Olympia is at it again, trying to block important initiatives that would benefit hardworking Washingtonians. The Washington State Constitution is crystal clear in its directive that initiatives to the Legislature take precedence over all other measures and must be either enacted or rejected before the end of the regular session. But, of course, the Democrats in power are conveniently turning a blind eye to this constitutional obligation.

Two crucial initiatives, 2109 and 2117, are being callously brushed aside by the Democratic leadership. Initiative 2109 seeks to repeal the burdensome and unjust capital gains tax, which is nothing more than a socialist wealth grab. Meanwhile, Initiative 2117 aims to put an end to the state’s carbon market under the Climate Commitment Act, which has already led to painful gas price increases for working families. The Democrats are shamelessly refusing to hold hearings on these critical measures, hoping to keep them off the November ballot.

Senate Majority Leader Andy Billig, D-Spokane, has the audacity to claim that repealing the capital gains tax would devastate funding for childcare. What about the hardworking individuals who are being taxed into oblivion? The Democrats are more concerned about their big government agenda than the struggles of everyday Washingtonians. And don’t even get started on the Climate Commitment Act – Billig’s comments suggest that the Democrats are willing to keep burdening the hardworking people of Washington with higher gas prices without a second thought.

To add insult to injury, House Speaker Laurie Jinkins, D-Tacoma, is playing the old-fashioned waiting game, hiding behind the need for fiscal notes and legal analysis. It’s just a ploy to delay and obfuscate the democratic process. Initiative supporters are crying out for their voices to be heard, but the Democratic leadership is turning a deaf ear, citing clunky language and its own political convenience as excuses for inaction.

The audacity and arrogance of the Democrats knows no bounds. They claim to be “discussing” what to do about the other four initiatives, but it’s clear they are hoping to sweep them under the rug as well. They ignore the urgency and importance of these measures, which include expanding parental rights in public schools, prohibiting income taxes, and lessening restrictions on police pursuits. These initiatives deserve to be given proper consideration, but the Democrats are more interested in playing political games than addressing the real issues facing Washingtonians.

Thankfully, there are brave voices speaking out against this travesty. Sen. Chris Gildon, R-Puyallup, rightfully calls out the fearmongering and fear-based tactics from the Department of Revenue, which is trying to scare Washingtonians into submission. Gildon’s wise words remind us that funding priorities should always come first, and volatile income sources are not a reliable basis for critical funding, just as California Governor Gavin Newson vetoed a similar capital gains tax because of its instability.

This is a call to action for all freedom fighters. Initiative supporters are rallying at the state Capitol on February 23, and it’s time for the silent majority to rise up and demand that their voices be heard. It’s time for the Democratic leadership in Olympia to listen to the will of the people and give these initiatives the consideration they deserve. Washingtonians deserve better, and it’s time to hold the Democrats in power accountable for their blatant disregard for the rule of law and the voices of the people.

Written by Staff Reports

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