
Dems’ Drug Debacle: SF Overdose Deaths Set to Smash Records!

Amid the chaos and destruction caused by the liberal policies in San Francisco, the city is hurtling towards a grim milestone by the end of the year. Thanks to the reckless decisions of Democrat leaders, the city is on track to record the highest number of fatal overdoses in history in 2023.

Under the failed leadership of Democrats, San Francisco has become a haven for drug abuse and homelessness. The surge in fentanyl, a deadly drug flooding in from the southern border, has resulted in an unprecedented number of fatal overdoses. August saw the highest number of overdose deaths on record, averaging one death every nine hours. This represents a staggering 25 percent increase from the previous year, a situation labeled as “crazy and unfortunate” by an addiction specialist.

Dr. Daniel Ciccarone, a professor at the University of California, San Francisco, expressed shock at the resilience and endurance of this crisis, admitting that he initially anticipated it to fade away. However, the problem has proven to be incredibly persistent, and it’s only exacerbating under the watch of the far-Left politicians who have turned a blind eye to the suffering of their own citizens.

The open border policies championed by President Joe Biden have only made matters worse, as dangerous drugs like fentanyl are being smuggled into the country by ruthless cartels. Meanwhile, the liberal leaders continue to do nothing to address the crisis at the border, effectively turning a blind eye to the suffering caused by their own policies.

The latest data reveals a staggering 692 accidental overdose deaths from January to October of this year, with 65 occurring in October alone. If the current trajectory continues, San Francisco is set to surpass the previous record of 726 overdose deaths in 2020. The city has now surpassed the national average, making California the epicenter of the overdose crisis, a shameful distinction exacerbated by the inaction of its far-Left government.

The dire situation in San Francisco goes beyond the overdose crisis. Looting, gang violence, car-jackings, murder, rape, and hate crimes have become increasingly common, tarnishing the once vibrant and beautiful city. These distressing developments paint a clear picture of the devastating consequences of Democrat leadership.

As the city grapples with these dire challenges, it’s crucial for the citizens to remember the devastating impact of liberal policies when they head to the ballot box. The dangerous and failed leadership of Democrats has brought San Francisco to the brink of catastrophe, and it’s imperative to hold them accountable for their reckless decisions.

Written by Staff Reports

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