
Dems Fabricate Paris Getaway to Smear House Speaker Johnson!

Have you heard the latest load of baloney the left-wing media is trying to feed the public? It’s a doozy! The New Republic, a notorious lefty outlet, decided to weave a web of lies about newly elected House Speaker Mike Johnson. They really must have a lot of time on their hands over there!

So, what’s the big, fat fib they’re spreading this time? Well, according to them, Speaker Johnson supposedly hightailed it to Paris while the government was facing a possible shutdown. The nerve! The story goes that he cut the House proceedings short just so he could hop on a plane to Paris to speak at some conference. Can you believe the audacity of these so-called journalists?

But hold the phone! Johnson’s spokesperson, Raj Shah, set the record straight and confirmed that this whole story is about as true as a unicorn sighting. That’s right, folks, it’s a big, fat lie! Johnson had no plans to gallivant off to Paris, and his team made sure to shout it from the rooftops.

After getting busted for their pants-on-fire moment, The New Republic was forced to eat a slice of humble pie and issue a little correction. But let’s not sugarcoat it, they still didn’t exactly come clean. They just made a tiny edit and mentioned that they couldn’t really confirm if Johnson was going to be at that conference. What a bunch of slippery eels!

Now, if that wasn’t enough, this isn’t the first time the left has tried to rain on Johnson’s parade. MSNBC, the liberal echo chamber, had the nerve to warn its viewers about the horror of having Johnson in charge. And as if that wasn’t enough, New York Magazine had the audacity to list a whole 21 reasons why Johnson is supposedly terrible for America. Give us a break!

And as if we needed more proof that the left just can’t stand a good conservative, they also took aim at Johnson’s faith. They had the nerve to criticize him for being a “God-fearing man,” can you believe it? They even went so far as to say that his Christian beliefs could threaten democracy. Talk about a bunch of sore losers!

So, there you have it, folks. The left is at it again, trying to tarnish the reputation of a good, honest conservative. But you know what they say, the truth will always come out in the end!

Written by Staff Reports

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