
Dems Flip-Flop, Call for Gaza Cease-fire!

A gang of 13 Democratic senators are begging for a “temporary ceasefire” in Gaza. In a statement that reeked of liberal nonsense, the senators claimed that not protecting non-combatant civilians would lead to escalating conflict and hinder any chance of peaceful coexistence between the Israelis and Palestinians.

The senators also expressed their support for President Biden’s call for a cessation of hostilities that would prioritize the safety of civilians, aid workers, and humanitarian aid delivery in Gaza. What a bunch of bleeding hearts!

The senators who signed this misguided statement are Cory Booker of New Jersey (no surprise there), Tammy Duckworth and Dick Durbin of Illinois (aka the dynamic duo of liberal lunacy), Tim Kaine of Virginia (Clinton’s sidekick, need I say more?), Ed Markey of Massachusetts (because one liberal from Massachusetts isn’t enough), Jeff Merkley of Oregon (he clearly has nothing better to do), Chris Murphy of Connecticut (another liberal from the Northeast, big surprise), Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire (is anyone surprised?), Tina Smith of Minnesota (another one from Biden’s home state), Chris Van Hollen of Maryland (another liberal from a liberal state), Peter Welch of Vermont (because Bernie Sanders wasn’t enough), Mark Warner of Virginia (Virginia just keeps on giving), and Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts (the queen of liberal nonsense).

According to the senators, this ceasefire should serve three purposes: delivering humanitarian aid to civilians (because apparently they can’t take care of themselves), focusing on the hostages taken during a terrorist raid (because we all know how reasonable terrorists can be), and facilitating pointless conversations between Israelis and Palestinians (because talking always solves everything, right?).

The senators also claimed that aid officials believe it’s “nearly impossible” to deliver enough humanitarian aid under the current conditions. Maybe it’s time for the aid officials to reevaluate their strategies instead of relying on endless handouts.

Of course, President Biden jumped on the bandwagon and called for a “pause” during a campaign reception in Minnesota. Classic Biden, always trying to pander to the bleeding-heart liberals.

But wait, even Mr. Durbin, the highest-ranking Senate Democratic leader, is supporting a ceasefire. However, he made it clear that he would only support it if Hamas releases their hostages. Because apparently, terrorists taking hostages is just another negotiation tactic.

So, in summary, we have a group of Democratic senators who are more concerned with appeasing terrorists and delivering handouts than actually solving the conflict in the Middle East. It’s no wonder our country is in such a mess with these liberals in power.

Written by Staff Reports

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