
Dems Panic as Truth on Hunter Biden Uncovered: The Scandal They Can’t Hide!

In a shocking turn of events, it seems that the Democrats are in a state of panic! Jonathan Turley, a respected law professor from George Washington University, has exposed the truth behind the GOP investigation into Hunter Biden’s shady business dealings. It appears that the media and the Democrats are desperately trying to sweep this corruption scandal under the rug. But here’s the thing, folks – it’s not going away anytime soon.

Turley boldly stated that the evidence against Hunter Biden is mounting. Not only did two whistleblowers testify in Congress, but Rep. Dan Goldman from New York inadvertently demolished the Biden defense in less than five minutes. He got a witness to confirm that Joe Biden did, in fact, discuss business with his son. Ouch! That’s going to leave a mark.

But instead of addressing the specific allegations, the Democratic members of Congress conveniently brushed them aside. They’re running out of maneuvering room, folks. They’re hoping this will all just blow over. But let me tell you, the American public and these committees are not moving on. We demand answers!

One piece of evidence that cannot be ignored is a WhatsApp message from Hunter Biden to a Chinese businessman. In the message, he mentions his father sitting next to him and expresses his frustration with unfulfilled commitments. The Democrats tried to ignore it, but Rep. Goldman focused on this crucial piece of information. He grilled an IRS investigator, Gary Shapley, who suggested that Joe Biden discussed foreign deals with his son.

Despite Goldman’s attempt to steer away from the truth with time constraints, he couldn’t avoid the obvious. He claimed that just because Joe Biden was sitting next to his son doesn’t mean they discussed business. Oh, really? But then he proceeded to bring up a lunch that Joe Biden allegedly had with CEFC executives at the Four Seasons hotel. This was no ordinary lunch, folks. Hunter had told his dad that he might be trying to start a company or do something with those guys. Sounds fishy, doesn’t it?

Goldman thought he could trick us with his sly questioning, but Shapley wasn’t fooled. He admitted that Joe Biden was aware of Hunter’s business endeavors. Bingo! We caught them red-handed. The Democrats can try to spin this however they want, but the truth is clear as day.

It’s time for the Democrats to stop their panic-induced cover-up and face the music. Hunter Biden’s shady dealings cannot be swept under the rug. We deserve transparency, integrity, and accountability from our elected officials. The corruption must be exposed, and those responsible must be held accountable. It’s high time for the truth to prevail!

Written by Staff Reports

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