
Dems Plot Biden Exit, Eye Health Excuse Amid Crisis

At this point, it seems like the only way Democrats can justify getting rid of President Joe Biden is if he starts wearing plaid suits and socks with sandals. I mean, come on, there’s been so much talk about who could replace Biden in 2024, but it’s clear that he’s clinging (some might say, desperately) to that Oval Office chair.

Sure, there are a lot of Americans who are fed up with Biden’s policies and his inability to remember where he is half the time, but replacing him mid-term would be a risky move for the Dems. After all, they don’t want to sink the whole ship just to get rid of the captain.

However, if the negative press keeps piling up and the scandals keep coming, even the most loyal Democrats might start to question whether Biden is the best person to lead the country. And that’s where the one excuse comes in – health.

Now, let’s just be clear, this is purely hypothetical… but imagine if Biden’s health took a turn for the worse. Suddenly, Democrats could swoop in and use that as a justification to push him aside. They could say, “Look, we tried our best, but the poor guy just can’t handle the stress anymore. It’s time for him to take a nice, long nap in his favorite recliner.”

Of course, this would be a delicate balancing act for the Democrats. They wouldn’t want to come off as heartless or unsympathetic to Biden’s alleged health issues, so they would have to handle it with care. But if they played their cards right, they could subtly suggest that maybe it’s time for “Uncle Joe” to retire and enjoy his golden years.

Now, I’m not saying that Biden’s health is actually failing or that the Democrats would stoop so low as to exploit it for their political gain. But hey, politics can be a dirty game, and desperate times call for desperate measures. And let’s face it, Biden’s track record so far hasn’t been too impressive. From skyrocketing gas prices to skyrocketing inflation, the guy seems to have a knack for making things worse.

So, if the Democrats ever decide that enough is enough, they’ll have their one excuse ready and waiting. Whether they actually use it or not remains to be seen. But one thing’s for sure, if they want to oust Biden without causing a mutiny within their own party, they better start praying for some plaid suits and sandals. It might just be their only hope.

Written by Staff Reports

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