
“Denver Schools Beg for Return of Campus Cops After Disastrous Disarmament Decisions”

It's really sad to see what happens when people put politics ahead of real answers. In Colorado, the fact that police officers were on school grounds caused a big argument in the Denver Public Schools system. As a knee-jerk response to national protests led by anti-police and anti-gunner activists, the school board voted unanimously in 2020 to remove police officers from 18 schools. "You don't know what you have until it's gone," says an old saying.

Recent dangerous events, like a student getting shot outside East High School and another student getting shot inside the school, have made parents, teachers, and students want campus cops back. After months of discussion and talks with the community, the school board decided 4-3 to bring back armed officers. It's too bad that events like these had to happen for them to see the truth.

Superintendent Alex Marrero of Denver didn't want cops to come back at first, but after seeing shootings happen under his watch, he changed his mind. He understood that school safety should be the most important thing, so he made a safety plan that said schools should be able to choose whether or not to have cops on campus. It's a step in the right way, but it's sad that violence had to get worse before this could happen.

It breaks my heart to think that these shootings could have been stopped if there had been armed security guards there. While lawmakers and activists who don't like guns keep pushing their anti-gun goals, real people are dying. Armed people make it less likely that someone will attack, and they can respond quickly in case of an emergency. It's simple logic: if shooters know they'll face armed pushback, they're less likely to carry out their killing plans.

In addition to having armed security, schools can help stop school killings by putting in place complete security measures like threat assessment procedures, better access control systems, and video cameras. It's about taking many different steps to deal with the reasons of crime and make sure our kids are safe.

Sad to say, it seems like some school districts in blue states care more about getting law-abiding people to give up their guns than they do about keeping innocent people safe. In the meantime, red states are spending money to make their schools more secure and make them harder to break into. It's clear who wants to solve problems and who just wants to play politics.

We need to stop focusing on political goals and start focusing on real answers. Our children have the right to be safe while they are in school, and it is our job to make sure they are safe. Let's stop playing politics with the lives of our young people and do something to protect them from the pointless violence that plagues our country.

Written by Staff Reports

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