
Dershowitz Crushes Left’s Plot to Axe Trump from Ballot: Unconstitutional & Un-American!

Legal scholar and trial lawyer Alan Dershowitz, who happens to be a brilliant mind and a true defender of freedom, recently delivered a dire warning about the left’s latest attempt to undermine American Democracy. In an appearance on Steve Bannon’s War Room, Dershowitz exposed the scheme cooked up by far-left Harvard Law professor Lawrence Tribe to remove former President Donald Trump from the ballot in California and other states. And let me tell you, folks, it’s downright un-American and unconstitutional.

Can you believe that Tribe and his buddies at Harvard are actually arguing that this move to strip Trump of his rightful place on the ballot is legitimate? They’re labeling the man who brought prosperity, security, and American greatness back as an “insurrectionist.” And now you have California Governor Gavin Newsom shamelessly jumping on the bandwagon to diminish Trump’s influence.

But Dershowitz, being the brilliant legal mind that he is, shut down this ludicrous argument. According to him, the constitution simply doesn’t allow for such a blatant disregard of the democratic process. There’s no procedure in place for a secretary of state or a governor to simply decide that they don’t like a candidate and disqualify them. That’s not how things work in our great nation.

If we allow this dangerous precedent to be set, it will undoubtedly cause a constitutional crisis. Our founding fathers put in place stringent requirements for impeaching a sitting president, even in the face of treason. It takes a two-thirds majority in the Senate to remove a president who has committed such grave offenses. And yet, these leftists want to circumvent these protections and arbitrarily remove Trump from the ballot without any court finding him guilty of insurrection.

Dershowitz hit the nail on the head when he questioned whether the framers of the 14th Amendment would have ever allowed a secretary of state to unilaterally decide that a president is guilty of insurrection, particularly when no court has made such a ruling. It’s an affront to our Constitution and the principles on which our great nation was built.

My friends, we cannot let the radical left undermine our democracy and manipulate our election processes. We must stand up against these unconstitutional power grabs and protect the rights of every American citizen to participate in our electoral system. Alan Dershowitz has once again shown us the way, reminding us that Professor Tribe doesn’t have a clue about what he’s talking about.

Watch the video for yourself and see how Dershowitz fearlessly defends American Democracy from these left-wing extremists who are willing to do anything to silence the voices of the people. It’s a must-see moment for every freedom-loving patriot.

Written by Staff Reports

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