
Dershowitz Demands Truth in Hunter Biden Plea Deal Fiasco

In a stunning turn of events, renowned Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz has called on the federal judge overseeing Hunter Biden’s plea deal to reject the agreement. According to Breitbart, Dershowitz believes the judge should only accept the deal after hearing testimony from Attorney General Merrick Garland, Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss, and six witnesses who can supposedly corroborate allegations made by IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley that directly contradict prior public statements. This plea deal for Hunter Biden has come under intense scrutiny, and it’s about time someone stood up for justice!

The plea deal in question involves Hunter Biden pleading guilty to a pair of misdemeanor tax violations for failing to pay income taxes in two different years. Additionally, he has agreed to a separate arrangement on a felony gun charge. However, just two days after the deal was announced, the House Ways and Means Committee released sworn testimony from IRS Supervisory Special Agent Gary Shapley, who claimed that Hunter Biden received special treatment and experienced interference on his behalf from senior IRS and Justice Department officials. These allegations seriously question the legitimacy of the plea deal and highlight the need for a thorough investigation.

Professor Dershowitz passionately argues that the judge must consider these whistleblower revelations when determining Hunter Biden’s punishment. He emphasizes that the judge represents the people of the United States and should not blindly accept a deal that may have been compromised by partisan interference. Dershowitz suggests that the judge call upon Garland, Weiss, and the six witnesses to uncover the truth and ensure justice is served.

Former Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker and legal analyst Greg Jarrett agree wholeheartedly with Dershowitz’s sentiments. They argue that if the allegations against Garland prove to be true, then it is essential for the Republican-led House to initiate an impeachment inquiry against the dishonest and partisan attorney general. This is not just about Hunter Biden’s plea deal; it’s about holding our leaders accountable and upholding the integrity of our justice system.

It is clear that something fishy is going on with Hunter Biden’s plea deal. The allegations of preferential treatment and potential perjury before Congress by AG Garland raise serious concerns about the entire legal process. As conservatives, we must demand accountability and fight against corruption at all levels. If we allow this plea deal to go through without a fair investigation, we are sending a message that the wealthy and powerful can evade justice with ease. It’s time to put an end to this injustice and restore faith in our legal system.

Source: Conservative Institute

Written by Staff Reports

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