
DeSantis Defies Swamp: McCarthy’s Dig Backfires, Strengthens Fla Governor’s Appeal

In a recent interview with Fox News, Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy had the audacity to suggest that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is not on the same level as our great President Donald Trump. Can you believe it? McCarthy claims that Trump is stronger than ever and will be the Republican nominee for president. Well, duh! We all know that President Trump is a force to be reckoned with, and his policies of putting America first are unmatched.

But McCarthy didn’t stop there. He had the nerve to criticize DeSantis for his efforts to prevent a government shutdown. McCarthy seems to forget that President Trump is beating Biden in the polls right now. DeSantis may not be on the same level as Trump, but he is definitely a powerful conservative leader in his own right.

In response to McCarthy’s comments, DeSantis highlighted the stark differences between Florida’s success and the wasteful spending of the D.C. establishment. While the Trump-McCarthy duo added a whopping $7.8 trillion to our national debt, DeSantis has been busy running budget surpluses and paying down the state’s debt. He has even knocked off almost 25 percent of Florida’s historical debt since becoming governor. Talk about fiscal responsibility!

It’s clear that DeSantis has delivered on his promises. Florida boasts the number one-rated economy in the country, thanks to tax cuts and expanded school choice initiatives. He has truly made the state sustainable and is a shining example of conservative leadership.

But here’s the kicker – DeSantis proudly stated that he’s not the favorite of the D.C. establishment. And you know what? That’s fantastic! He wears it as a badge of honor because he’s not beholden to the swamp. He’s a true conservative who puts the people first, not the bureaucrats in Washington.

Despite McCarthy’s attempts to diminish DeSantis, the polls speak for themselves. Trump continues to dominate the GOP primary field with a commanding 56.6 percent support, while DeSantis sits comfortably in second place at 12.7 percent. It’s clear that conservatives recognize DeSantis as a strong contender and a worthy successor to President Trump.

So, sorry McCarthy, but your comments fell flat. DeSantis may not be at the same level as Trump, but he’s carving his own path of conservative success. And that, my friends, is something we can all get behind.

Written by Staff Reports

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