
DeSantis Fights Back, Woos Utah Donors Despite Campaign Tumult!

Governor Ron DeSantis’s (R-FL) presidential campaign team huddled up with donors in Utah to figure out how to turn things around after a not-so-great start. The team, including campaign manager Generra Peck and pollster Ryan Tyson, spoke to about 70 donors about the changes they plan to make to their campaign strategy. They even let the donors throw in their own two cents about everything from messaging to dealing with former President Donald Trump. It’s like a big brainstorming session, but instead of coming up with new flavors of ice cream, they’re trying to come up with new ways to win votes.

Apparently, one of the things they discussed was coming up with clever one-liners for the upcoming debates. Because, you know, if you can make people laugh, they might forget about all the other stuff and vote for you. At least, that’s what they’re hoping. It’s like a stand-up comedy routine, but with politicians. Can you imagine Governor DeSantis up there with a microphone, cracking jokes about his opponents? It would be like a cross between a presidential debate and a comedy club. Now that’s something worth watching.

In the midst of all this strategizing, there was a little bit of drama. One of the donors, Hal Lambert, made a comment suggesting that Trump might drop out of the race because of legal troubles. Well, you can imagine how Trump and his team reacted to that. They accused Lambert of wishing for a Trump indictment and called him out on Twitter. It’s like a good ol’ fashioned Twitter feud, but with politicians. You have to love how these campaigns bring out the best in people.

Despite all the brainstorming and drama, Governor DeSantis is still struggling in the polls. According to the latest Rasmussen Reports poll, he’s only at 13%, while Trump is way ahead at 57%. Ouch. It’s like being the second choice at a buffet. Nobody wants the mashed potatoes when there’s prime rib on the menu. But who knows, maybe DeSantis will find his secret sauce and turn things around. After all, stranger things have happened in politics.

Written by Staff Reports

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