
DeSantis Leads Where Biden Fails: Secures Border for America

Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is showing the country what true leadership looks like by stepping up to help secure the southern border. In a historic move, DeSantis is sending Florida State Guard members to help Texas, along with around 1,000 Florida National Guard members. While Texas faces a massive surge of migrants, it’s clear that President Joe Biden’s administration is doing little to address the crisis. Instead of relying on the federal government, DeSantis is taking matters into his own hands to fortify the border and defend the rule of law.

Texas has been tirelessly working to secure its border, installing more wire in areas like Shelby Park. Despite pushback from the Biden administration and their attempt to force Texas to give up control, the state is standing its ground. The Supreme Court ruled against Texas, but that hasn’t deterred Governor Greg Abbott and his dedication to preventing illegal crossings. It’s refreshing to see Texas fight for what’s right and not back down in the face of opposition.

Governor DeSantis cited the dangers of drugs and crime caused by the border crisis during his announcement. With 260 million deadly fentanyl doses intercepted at the border in December alone, it’s clear that action must be taken. The border crisis threatens not only the safety of border states, but the security of the entire country. Without a secure border, we can’t call ourselves a sovereign nation. DeSantis understands this and is willing to take action to protect our sovereignty.

The Biden administration’s border policies have been a complete disaster, resulting in record levels of illegal immigration. In fiscal years 2022 and 2023, Border Patrol recorded over 4.2 million migrant encounters. This is unacceptable and shows a complete disregard for the rule of law. President Biden’s refusal to take meaningful action to address the border crisis has left states like Florida and Texas to fend for themselves. It’s refreshing to see Republican governors like DeSantis and Abbott stepping up to fill the leadership void left by the Biden administration.

Republican governors across the country have expressed their support for Abbott’s efforts to secure the border, with many sending troops to assist. This show of solidarity among states is heartening and is a testament to their commitment to defending the rule of law. It’s clear that Republican governors are willing to take the necessary steps to protect their citizens and uphold our sovereignty.

Governor DeSantis is not only a leader in his own state, but a leader on the national stage. His decision to send Florida State Guard members to assist Texas sets an example for other states to follow. It’s refreshing to see a governor who is willing to take action instead of just relying on rhetoric. DeSantis understands the seriousness of the situation at the border and is doing everything in his power to defend our country. It’s time for the Biden administration to take note and start prioritizing the security and sovereignty of the United States.

Written by Staff Reports

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