
DeSantis Strikes Blow to ESG Scheme, Leftist CEOs Feel the Heat

Larry Fink, the CEO of Blackrock, is in a bit of a jam, and he says that Ron DeSantis is to blame. Fink is upset that the ESG brand has been hurt and that DeSantis pulled Florida's investments from the company. But what is ESG, and why does it matter so much? According to this report, ESG stands for environmental, social, and justice. It is a sneaky way for top-level investors to work together to force businesses to do social engineering by threatening to withhold capital. It is a way for unelected leaders to have direct power over the rest of the world's people.

The easiest way for a company to get a "good" ESG number is to support far-left ideas. Whether it's going all out for "pride month" or using profits to fight "climate change," ESG is the left's best way to get its goals done without having to face a single voter. But because of what DeSantis and Texas have done, many people now see Blackrock's ESG plan as a big problem. Still, these big companies need people to buy their goods, and making ESG a bad thing to do is the first step to putting an end to the whole ESG racket.

Larry Fink's change of heart doesn't mean that ESG as an idea is going away, but it does show that pressure is making the left change its strategy. The left isn't going to stop, so it's up to people like DeSantis and Texas to keep moving forward and putting pressure on these unelected leaders. In the end, ESG is sneaky and people need to keep working against it.

Written by Staff Reports

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